We may think that digital technology is positively effecting and expanding our ways of learning, but I have found that this is not always the case. After further looking into this topic, I have come to the conclusion that not only is technology not doing us any positive favors, but it is actually effecting us
I’m back with some new found information regarding the effects of digital technology on our education in today’s society. This time I took a look at Dr. Kutscher’s article, The Effects of Digital Technology on Learning, and this time, I was not so surprised. Having found what I did from his other article, this one made more
The very first A first interesting article by the New York Times called “Technology is Changing How Students Learn, Teachers Say” explains the damage that is actually occurring due to technology in terms of the education process. Teachers are finding that students are becoming too reliant on the internet and get easily frustrated when the
Damn you Google, you’ve done it again. Well, it wasn’t all Google, but Google Ideas did provide the seed money for the Comparative Constitutions Project to develop Constitute. Frankly, it’s just awesome. What makes it awesome? 160 constitutions. Yes, 160 of those documents from around […]