DA#7: Open Source Alternative Apps

Review some resources from Alternative Apps Centre, a collection of open-source tools, apps and services recommended by Tactical Technology Collective for better privacy and control, plus a selection of guides, tutorials, and videos to help you better understand and manage your digital traces.

  • Select and watch one of their videos. There are 14 videos, so everyone will do a different video. Tweet your video selection (video name and URL), using #fys142dw and #alternativeapps. Tweets must be posted by the end of the day (midnight October 30).
  • Select and review one of their guides.
  • Select and review one of their tools.
  • Write a blog post about the video, guide, and tool you selected. This blog post goes with this digital activity and is not graded as one of the blog posts grades, but should still follow the blog post guidelines. Use categories of ‘blog post’ and ‘digital activity’ and tag appropriately.

Due Date

Blog posts must be submitted by the start of class, Tuesday November 6.
