Schedule & Topic Outline
Week 1: Introductions / Overview / Domains
August 28
- Course Overview
- Canvas Site: will be used primarily to post grades, some readings, and course announcements.
- Quick Survey
- Build Syllabus
August 30
- Read:
- Watters, The Web We Need to Give Students:
- Rikard, Do I Own My Domain If You Grade It?:
- Scan: Watters, Claim Your Domain reading on Canvas; also available on reserve in the library.
- Internet Mapping Project
- Digital Activity #1: Twitter
- Due Date: September 4, by the start of class
- Before our next class, update this spreadsheet with your information.
Week 2: Domain of One’s Own / Historical Perspectives
September 4
- Digital Activity #2: Technology Survey
- Domain Name
- Think of what you want to name your domain
- In Class:
- Why Domains? and ‘Berg Builds with Tim Clarke
- Documentation / Getting Started
- Digital Activity #3: Create your Domain
- Blog Post #1
- Before our next class, update this spreadsheet with your information.
September 6
- Digital Activity #4:
- Due Date: by start of class
- Read and Discuss:
- Bush, V. (1945, July). As we may think. Atlantic Monthly. Retrieved from
- (suggested) Ch 2, Writing Analytically
- Blog Post #2 on the article
- Due Date: by start of class on September 11.
- Review and Discuss:
- Meetings with Ryan–sign up for your first meeting with Ryan.
- Technology Autobiography
- Due Date: September 17, 11:59pm
Week 3: Networks & Social Media
September 11
- Read/review for class and be prepared to discuss:
- How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes
- The Internet, Everything you need to know, annotate with
- Internet Fact Sheet
- Blog Post #2 is due.
September 13
- Read/review for class and be prepared to discuss (and annotate w/
- Read: Pew Research Center, Teens, Social Media, and Technology Overview 2018
- Were College Students Better Off Before Social Media?
- Writers: Vanesa, Patrick, Suzane, Charlotte, Eric
- Write a blog post on the above reading, Were College Students Better Off Before Social Media.
- Due: September 18, start of class
- Responders: Jimmy, Meranda, Lucas, Johannah
- Comment on at least 2 posts by writers.
- Due: September 20, noon
- Searchers: Jay, Renee, Jonas, Kaley, Dylan
- Post two annotated resources on social media and college students.
- Due: September 18, noon
- (suggested) Ch 3, Writing Analytically
Week 4: Networks & Social Media
September 18
- Due:
- Technology Autobiography by September 17, 11:59pm.
- A blog post on the reading from 9/13, Were College Students Better Off Before Social Media
- Vanesa, Patrick, Suzane, Charlotte, Eric
- Post two annotated resources on social media and college students.
- Jay, Renee, Jonas, Kaley, Dylan
- Read (use of is optional)
- This is what it’s like to grow up in the age of likes, lols and longing.
- Digital Identities: Six Key Selves in Networked Publics
- Come to class with 3-5 questions that these readings may have generated.
- Digital Activity #5: Google Yourself, due by the start of class Tuesday, September 25.
September 20
- Due:
- Comment on at least 2 posts by writers.
- Jimmy, Meranda, Lucas, Johannah
- Comment on at least 2 posts by writers.
- Scan/Review: NACE Job Outlook 2018
- Read:
- Digital Activity #6: LinkedIn, due by the start of class, Thursday, September 27.
- (suggested) Ch 4, Writing Analytically
Extra Credit:
**Note: I must cap the extra credit earned for the entire semester. Up to 60 points total can be earned in extra credit over all extra credit opportunities.
Week 5: Techology’s Impact on Us
September 25
- DUE: Digital Activity #5: Google Yourself, due by the start of class Tuesday, September 25.
- Read: How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind — from a Magician and Google Design Ethicist
- Watch: How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day
- Peruse: Center for Humane Technology
- In class readings:
- Using these resources from September 25,
- Writers: Renee, Jonas, Meranda, Lucas, Jimmy
- Due: noon, October 2
- Responders: Eric, Suzane, Jay, Kaley, Dylan
- Due: noon, October 4
- Searchers: Charlotte, Patrick, Vanessa, Johannah
- Due: noon, October 2
- Writers: Renee, Jonas, Meranda, Lucas, Jimmy
September 27
- DUE: Digital Activity #6: LinkedIn, due by the start of class, Thursday, September 27.
- Read: The real effects of technology on your health
- Read: Technology doesn’t ruin health, people do
- Read: Psychology and Neuroscience Blow-Up the Myth of Effective Multitasking
- Read: Possible Effects of Internet Use on Cognitive Development in Adolescence
- Using these readings from September 27
- Writers: Kaley, Dylan, Johannah, Jay
- Due: noon, October 4
- Responders: Renee, Jonas, Charlotte, Patrick, Vanesa
- Due: noon, October 6
- Searchers: Meranda, Eric, Lucas, Jimmy, Suzane
- Due: noon, October 4
- Writers: Kaley, Dylan, Johannah, Jay
Week 6: Data Ownership & Usage
October 2
- DUE:
- Using these resources from September 25,
- Writers: Renee, Jonas, Meranda, Lucas, Jimmy
- Due: noon, October 2
- Responders: Eric, Suzane, Jay, Kaley, Dylan
- Due: noon, October 4
- Searchers: Charlotte, Patrick, Vanessa, Johannah
- Due: noon, October 2
- Writers: Renee, Jonas, Meranda, Lucas, Jimmy
- Using these resources from September 25,
- Read Tim Chambers, Who Owns the Digital You? in Huffington Post:
- Read: Who Really Owns Your Data in the Digital Era? (Hint: Probably Not You)
- Introduce Peer Learning Facilitation Assignment
October 4
- DUE:
- Using these readings from September 27
- Writers: Kaley, Dylan, Johannah, Jay
- Due: noon, October 4
- Responders: Renee, Jonas, Charlotte, Patrick, Vanesa
- Due: noon, October 6
- Searchers: Meranda, Eric, Lucas, Jimmy, Suzane
- Due: noon, October 4
- Writers: Kaley, Dylan, Johannah, Jay
- Using these readings from September 27
- Choose two Terms of Service for two different digital platforms or applications that you use regularly (Instagram, Netflix, Spotify, Snapchat, Canvas, Twitter, Facebook, etc, etc, etc).
- Blog post #4. Everyone will write a blog post on this week’s topic. Due by noon, October 11.
- Peer Learning Facilitation Groups
Week 7: Privacy
Meetings with Ryan this week. Sign up here.
October 9
- Read and annotate with (remember to use the FYS142 group):
- Skim read Chapter 3 in Privacy in Context : Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life by Helen Fay Nissenbaum. In particular, read Social Networks and Privacy.
- Read Chapter 4 in Privacy in Context : Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life by Helen Fay Nissenbaum.
- Read How Americans have viewed government surveillance and privacy since Snowden leaks
October 11
- Watch/View/Analyze TED Talks
- Everyone watch: Why Privacy Matters
- Pick a talk: Who’s Watching Us? playlist
- Blog Post #4 due by noon.
- Introduce Visual Essay and Presentation
- Introduce Final Project: Long Read
Week 8: Peer Learning Facilitation Prep
October 16
- Blog Post #5 on your Peer Learning Facilitation resource is due by noon.
- Meet with your Facilitation Group
- Advertising (must focus on technology/social media context): Dylan, Johannah, Jonas, Suzane
- Cyberbullying: Jimmy, Lucas, Meranda
- Digital Citizenship: Eric, Kaley, Renee
- Gaming: Charlotte, Jay, Patrick, Vanesa
- Look under October 23 and October 25 for schedule of facilitations. Do your fellow students a favor and come to class having read/reviewed the material each facilitation group has shared with you.
October 18: Open Access/Open Textbooks/Open Educational Resources
- No assigned readings.
- Do independent research on open access.
- Develop 3-5 questions you have about open access.
- Tweet your questions prior (by noon) to class (use hashtags #fys142dw and #openaccess).
- Class will be an introduction to open access and a discussion around your questions.
Week 9: Peer Facilitations
October 23
Read for class today. Do your fellow students a favor and come to class having read/reviewed the material each facilitation group has shared with you. Come to today’s class prepared for the following facilitations:
- Advertising (must focus on technology/social media context): Dylan, Johannah, Jonas, Suzane
- Digital Citizenship: Eric, Kaley, Renee
October 25
Read for class today. Do your fellow students a favor and come to class having read/reviewed the material each facilitation group has shared with you. Come to today’s class prepared for the following facilitations:
- Cyberbullying: Jimmy, Lucas, Meranda
- Gaming: Charlotte, Jay, Patrick, Vanesa
Everyone should complete the Peer Learning Facilitation Evaluation. Please complete by midnight, October 26.
Week 10: Open Access / Thesis Workshop
October 30
- Continue discussion on Open Access
- Using Twitter, post one key resource you found in doing your research last week that helped inform you about open access and generated the questions you had about it. Use #fys142dw and #openaccess. Post by noon, before class.
- Digital Activity Open Source Alternative Apps
- DUE: Final Project: Long Read topic selection and outline, shared with Tina via Google Doc.
- Reminder: Visual Essay & Presentation
November 1
- Thesis Workshop lead by Ryan
- Thesis Presentation
- Recommend Chapter 6, Finding and Evolving a Thesis in Writing Analytically (7ed)
- Sign-up for first session with Ryan for Final Project: Long Read
Week 11: Learning, Literacy, and Fake News
November 5
- Meetings with Ryan this week for Final Project: Long Read.
- Share rough first draft with Tina and Ryan by November 5.
November 6
- DUE: blog posts for Digital Activity #7 Open Source Alternative Apps
- Is Technology Making Us Smarter or Dumber?
- Visit PBS’s Point Taken episode
- Watch the videos posted on the site
- Review the facts presented
- Read the articles under ‘Dive Deeper’
- Blog Post #6
- Everyone will be writers, searchers, and responders for this post
- Research and read articles on technology’s impact on learning, reading, and/or writing
- As searchers, post at least 2 resources you selected. Review what should be included as a searcher.
- DUE: by midnight, Sunday November 11
- Write a blog post on this research (review the Blog Post Guidelines)
- DUE: by noon, Tuesday November 13
- Comment on others’ posts as responders.
- DUE: by noon, Thursday November 15
November 8
- Take the Quiz: How well can you tell factual from opinion statements?
- Read the report: Distinguishing between factual and opinions statements in the news.
- Scan/Review:
- Digital Activity #9: Word Clouds
November 9
DA#8, One Button Studio due by 11:59pm.
Week 12: Visual Essay Presentations
- As searchers, post at least 2 resources you selected. Review what should be included as a searcher.
- DUE: by midnight, Sunday November 11
- Send me or share a copy of your photo essay, in any format (the software you are using or saved as a PDF). This file should be sent by midnight Monday, November 12.
November 13
- DUE, Blog Post #6, by noon, Tuesday November 13
- Visual Essay presentations. Everyone should come to class prepared to present. Order will be randomly determined.
November 15
- Comment on others’ posts (blog post #6) as responders.
- DUE: by noon, Thursday November 15
- DUE: DA#9–Word Clouds, by the start of class.
- Visual Essay presentations. Everyone should come to class prepared to present. Order will be randomly determined.
Week 13: Thanksgiving Break
November 20
- We will NOT meet as a class today.
- Research and writing time for your Final Project: Long Read
November 22
- NO CLASS : Happy Thanksgiving!
Week 14: Grammar / Tech Tips
Meetings with Ryan: Sign Up Form
November 27: Gettin’ Good w/Grammar
- Blog Post #7 (final blog post)
- Sign up for one of the future of technology topics. Only sign up for one.
- Write a blog post (blog post #7) on that particular technology. Include two separate articles that discuss the particular tipping point you are interested in.
- Some resources to get you started:
- DUE by 11:59pm, Tuesday December 4.
- Gettin’ Good w/Grammar contest.
- Digital Activity #10 due before class on Thursday
November 29
- Digital Activity #10
- must be complete before class
Week 15: Future of Technology
December 4
- WRITING DAY! We will not meet as a class. Use this time to finish up your long read.
- Reflective Essay, due by 11:59pm, December 7.
December 6
- Future of Technology discussions (based on your selections and blog posts)
- Course Wrap-up, questions, evaluations
- Final Project: Long Read Post, due by 11:59pm.
December 7
- Reflective Essay, due by 11:59pm, December 7.