Category: social media

Educating Our Children on Digital Citizenship: How We Can Do It Right

In today’s age of ever-growing technology, it is extremely important that we educate our children and the incoming members of our society how to engage in the digital world. If you yourself are questioning what it is like to be a good digital citizen, read into my last blog post! The thing about digital citizenship

Check Out This Article: “6 questions help reveal if you’re addicted to social media”

Mark Griffiths’s and Daria Kuss’s article, “6 questions help reveal if you’re addicted to social media” discusses how one is able to discover if they’re addicted to the use of social media and ways in how to treat this addiction. One of the questions people should ask themselves is, “Do you spend a lot of

Check Out This Article: “Research finds link between social media and the ‘fear of missing out’”

Justin White’s article covers on the concept of FOMO, otherwise known as, the fear of missing out which occurs when people (mainly teens) feel anxious when they don’t attend a social event or see their friends having fun on social media without them. This is mainly seen in people ages 13-33, furthermore, a survey was

Read Into This: “Social Media Is Changing How College Students Deal With Mental Illness, For Better Or Worse”

“Social Media Is Changing How College Students Deal With Mental Illness, For Better Or Worse,” discusses the pros and cons that come with social media affecting college students overall well being. On one of the spectrum it is easy to say that social media provides false realities to college aged young adults who are trying